Jun 28, 2010

Answered Prayer

Thank you so much to all of you who prayed...we have a healthy baby!  Thank God, there were no abnormalities at all found in the last test results. Yeah God!!!


Carolyn said...

I am so happy God answers prayer!!!

What a relief your baby is well.


Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

some major dancing going on here!!

A Hint of Home said...

So happy for all of you and your precious baby!

~CC Catherine said...

VICTORY is SO AWESOME when we see our prayers miraculously answered in front of the world! I'm so excited Kathy! Our grandson was born yesterday, posted a pic of him on my blog - will share more later! We are in love with a new little blessing, Grandie #3~Jonathan David Jr. and he is just perfect proof that GOD does great work! :) Hugs friend~ xoxoxo ~CC Catherine

Justabeachkat said...

Our prayers were answered!


(Just got your comment about the clay type balls on the beach where you are. Where are you by the way? I haven't seen anything like that here. I actually haven't seen much at all myself but I've heard we've had tiny black tar balls on our beach. The workers are quick to get them up though and the beaches are staying open. It's packed here for the 4th. Enjoy your time.

Technonana said...

Yes, Yes, and Yes!!! Praising our Amazing God!!! Wishing all of you His Best!!
Love you, Girl!!

Unknown said...

G'morn, Kathy ~ What a beautiful pink message to hear today ... may blessings continue to surround you.

Happy PS, Kathy ~
Have a lovely summer day ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Corner Gardener Sue said...

I didn't see your previous post until this evening. I'm glad to see your prayer was answered. I hope you and your husband are having a good time on your trip. My brain doesn't remember things well, but I'm thinking you said you're taking a trip to celebrate your anniversary. If that's right, happy anniversary!