Dec 1, 2008

Bloggy Goodness Award

My blog friend, Sweetie, Sweetie's World, gave me a Thanksgiving gift - this Bloggy Goodness Award! If you have never been to Sweetie's blog, it is a must! She has lots of wonderful posts - recipes and interesting stories about her family and home. Sweetie is one of the bravest ladies I know. In the face of unspeakable sorrow and loss one year ago this week, Sweetie courageously and selflessly carries on - loving and taking care of her children and grandchildren.

Thank you, Sweetie, for this award and for your friendship.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mimi, congratulations on your award. I tried to go visit Sweetie but the link took me to an old blog. Have a super nice week. I can't believe today is Dec. 1

A Hint of Home said...

Congrats on your latest award! I enjoyed your thankful posts.
Hope you had a good visit with your parents.
I couldn't get onto Sweetie's blog. Do you have to be invited?

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Welcome home my friend and congrats on the award! Have a good day, week...etc. Try to rest...a verb: the act of not doing anything; letting someone wait on YOU.